Here I go again on my own........

Monday, October 24, 2011


I saw something similar to this on the back drop of a tv show last week.  I really liked the colors and had to do my own version of it.  It makes me think about Arizona.

I'll get this letter and the "bullying" card sent to Anderson Cooper today.  Here's a copy of the letter that will go with it.  Now I need to decide who to do a card for next.  I just don't know yet.  Still no response from The White House.  Will Anderson respond?  Who will be the first?  I'm sure the card painted for President Obama has arrived and been scrutinized.  I wonder how many people will actually view the piece?  I'm sure too that someone will make it to this blog to check out the crazy artist who send something to the President.  Gosh, imagine that, The White House viewing my bog!  Hello....hello there White House!  Don't forget to do your holiday shopping at my Etsy shop.  

Marsha Mahan
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

October 24, 2011

Mr. Anderson Cooper
One Time Warner Center
New York, NY  10019-8012

Dear Anderson,

My name is Marsha Mahan and I’m an artist living in Oklahoma City.  I’m an artist trying to survive these difficult times.  Days are past that I could sell my work in the region and make a modest living.  Now I look for more creative ways to market myself and my work.  That led me to an Etsy shop and my blog.

My blog is a bit abnormal, but after all I am an artist.  I committed some time ago to do an ACEO (Art Cards, Editions and Originals) a day for 365 days.  Well, I’m now on day 92 and my subject matter has been all over the place.  I’m an adamant, or was, explanation to follow,  CNN watcher and find that my emotions often are stirred and come out in the subject matter in my card for the day.  Last week card #79, a domino with the number seven on it,for luck, was done and mailed to President Obama in appreciation for his recognition of October as National Arts and Humanities Month.  That now gives me, since all gifts to The White House are kept and archived, the ability to say that I have an original piece of artwork archived in The White  House Collection.  That can’t help but boost my career, right?   I decided then to, within my blog of 365 cards, do a card each week for someone significant.  

Card #85 was painted for you in recognition of your piece on Bullying.  That brings me to why I used to be an adamant CNN watcher.  With the country in the position it’s in, art sales have suffered so badly that my cable had to be canceled in an attempt to cut back.  I do miss your show!

So, here’s my card painted for you, Anderson Cooper, as you are a part of a little known blog by an abnormal artist from Oklahoma City.  I’m honored to able to send this to you.


Marsha Mahan p.s.   Shop my Etsy store!

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